我校入选汉萨大学联盟2021 WURI RANKING 全球创新大学百强院校

汉萨大学联盟近期公布了2021 WURI RANKING(2021真实影响力世界大学排名)评选结果。我校首次入围全球创新大学百强(Global Top 100 Innovative Universities),排名97名,成为本年度入围该排行榜的第7所中国(含港澳台地区)大学。入围全球创新大学百强的中国高校还有清华大学(14)、北京大学(28)、长江商学院(33)、北京师范大学(36)、北京工商大学(63)、香港科技大学(66)。该排名是继去年我校凭借“现代产业学院:东软百度人工智能学院”创新项目在2020 WURI RANKING:Industry Application(2020真实影响力世界大学排名:产业应用)类别中排名第38名后,再创我校参与国际大学排名新高!

Hanseatic League of Universities (HLU) recently announced the results of 2021 WURI RANKING (2021 World’s Universities with Real Impact). Dalian Neusoft University of information (DNUI) was shortlisted for the first time in the Global Top 100 Innovative Universities, ranking 97th, which is the 7th Chinese university (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) ranked in the list in 2021. Other Chinese universities involved in the top 100 global innovative universities include Tsinghua University (14), Peking University (28), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (33), Beijing Normal University (36), Beijing Technology and Business University (63), and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (66). Following the 38th place in the category of Industry Application of 2020 WURI RANKING by the innovative project of “Modern Industry College: Neusoft Baidu Artificial Intelligence College”, the ranking in 2021 is a new high in the international university rankings!

除综合排名外,在2021 WURI RANKING的“创业精神(Entrepreneurial Spirit)”“学生国际交流(Student Mobility and Openness)”“危机管理(Crisis Management)”3个项目类别排行中,我校也获得多项佳绩:由创新创业学院报送的“基于学习投入理论的创新创业教育改革研究与实践”项目及“TRIZ案例分析平台”项目,国际教育学院报送的“DNA创新中心”项目,软件学院软件工程系报送的“软件开发培训国际合作”项目,信息与商务管理学院大数据管理与应用系报送的“在新冠疫情危机中加强教育投入”项目,分别获得全球第41名(创业精神)、第40名(学生国际交流)、第25名(危机管理)。

In addition to the comprehensive ranking of 2021 WURI RANKING, in categories of Entrepreneurial Spirit, Student Mobility and Openness and Crisis Management, DNUI has also won awards. “Research and Practice of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform Based on Learning Investment Theory” and “TRIZ Case Analysis Platform” project submitted by the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship listed the 41th place in Entrepreneurial Spirit. “DNA Innovation Center” project submitted by the School of International Education listed the 40th place in Student Mobility and Openness.   “International Cooperation in Software Development and Training” project submitted by the Department of Software Engineering and “Enhancing Educational Investment in the COVID-19 Crisis” project submitted by the Department of Big Data Management and Application listed the 25th place in Crisis Management.

2021届WURI排名设置了五个类型接收全球大学创新项目参评,分别是产业应用类(Industrial Application),创业精神类(Entrepreneurial Spirit),教育理念类(Ethical Value),学生交流和对外开放类 (Student Mobility and Openness),危机管理类(Crisis management)。所有参评项目都以匿名形式发给所有评委,评委根据项目创新性、可行性、实际影响三个维度对所有项目进行评价,从每个类型中推荐10个最好的项目并将评审结果反馈至联盟委员会,最后联盟根据所有评委评审结果统计出每个类型最好的50个项目,并综合各维度项目评审结果,评选出全球创新大学百强院校。

The 2021 WURI RANKING set five categories including Industrial Application, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Ethical Value, Student Mobility and Openness and Crisis management. All participating projects, being sent anonymously, are evaluated by all judges from three dimensions of innovation, feasibility and actual impact. 10 best projects in each category are recommended to be reviewed by the Alliance Committee. 50 best projects are then released by the committee through reviewing the evaluation results of all judges. Finally, based on the evaluation results of projects in various dimensions, the top 100 global innovative universities are selected.

作为中国最具实力和代表性的领军民办高校之一,我校从建校之初就明确了“教育创造学生价值”的办学理念,以及要建一所有特色、高水平、创业型的应用技术大学,服务行业及经济社会发展的办学定位。目前,我校在产教融合、创新创业、国际化等办学方面特色鲜明,办学目标和方向与汉萨大学联盟倡导的目标不谋而合。2020年3月我校收到汉萨大学联盟的邀请,成功加入汉萨大学联盟并参加了2020及2021两届WURI RANKING评比。

As one of the most powerful and representative leading private universities in China, DNUI  took “Empower Students with Innovative Education” as its educational philosophy from the very beginning of its establishment. It aims to be a unique, high-level, entrepreneurial applied university, and to service industry, economic and social development. DNUI has its distinctive features in the integration of industry and education, innovation and entrepreneurship, and internationalization, which are coincide with the goals advocated by HLU. In March of 2020, DNUI received an invitation from HLU and successfully joined it. By now, DNUI has participated in WURI RANKING evaluation in 2020 and 2021.


DNUI will explore and innovate new educational models constantly and deepen the educational reform of TOPCARES and hybrid education, so as to open up a new situation, burst new vitality, and continue to write a brilliant chapter of the times by creating a “first-class entrepreneurship and innovation” ecosystem in DNUI.
